
a picture of gaming laptop
Hörbie is our music and audiobook content portal for kids. No store, no manual delivery, just simple downloads of favourite content for the whole family to listen to.


Families browse the Internet and a banner appears that explains our Hörbie service in a nutshell. The banner attracts attention and sparks interest to click on the banner.

Landing page

Our ad leads to the next step, our landing page. Here we explain clearly what is offered and how to access the content. You can create your account for 4.99 Euro a month with a 30-days-trial-period.


A new pop-up window appears and an account is created by entering the email address and password.


After typing in an email address and password, the account is confirmed with payment details.

Welcome email

The welcome email new members receive confirms membership as well as the terms and allows access to the content – without any commitment, as it is possible to cancel the service at anytime.

Hörbie portal

Now families can enjoy our Hörbie content!

visit portal