
a group of people watching movies while enjoying snacks
We have hundreds of movie titles to entertain our members, who get access via a very easy registration flow.


Potential members browse the Internet and a banner appears that refers to our Movie service in a nutshell. The banner attracts attention sparks interest and invites potential members to click on “Watch now”.

Landing page

Our banner leads to the next step: our landing page. Here we explain clearly what we offer and how to become a member. In 3 easy steps, the potential members get “click by click” closer to the content. Our free trial offer makes it easy to test our entertainment services.


A pop-up window appears and the potential member can sign up for a free trial account simply by typing in their email address and a password.


After entering the email address and password, a confirmation of the account is needed, including payment details.

Thank you message

The thank you message confirms that the registration was successful.

Welcome email

The welcome email new members receive confirms membership as well as the terms and allows access to the content. It Is also pointed out that there is no commitment, as it is possible to cancel our services anytime.

all in one portal: Movies

We have all kinds of genres and movies that appeal!