CLIQ Digital AG
Grünstraße 8
D-40212 Düsseldorf
Management Board:
Luc Voncken
Ben Bos
Supervisory Board:
Dr. Mathias Schlichting (Chairman)
Karel Tempelaar
Nathalie Lam
Registration Court: Düsseldorf
Commercial Register number: HRB69068
VAT ID as per section 27a UStG (German VAT Act): DE 243 200 881
Responsibility for site content as per section 18 MDStV (German Interstate Media Services Agreement): Ben Bos c/o: CLIQ Digital AG | Grünstraße 8 | D-40212 | Düsseldorf
Exclusion of liability: The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is regularly updated. However, the company provides no guarantee that it is complete, accurate or up-to-date. The content of the site may be changed or updated without prior notice. We expressly declare that we have no influence over the design or content of other sites to which a link has been placed on our own site. CLIQ Digital AG expressly dissociates itself from the content of all linked sites and does not assert ownership of their content.