How do you incorporate healthy habits into your workdays? At CLIQ, it is relevant to us to make sure we can support the health of our employees in the best way possible considering most of us sit in front of our screen(s) all day. In part 1 of this series, we explained some habits that are easy to form to improve your physical health. Here’s part 2, in which we talk about how healthy food habits can improve your work life.

Establishing healthy eating habits at work can be a crucial factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet can help you be clear-minded as well as improve your physical well-being. That is why we have asked our colleagues to recommend some healthy food and drink practices for the office.

Firstly, most of our colleagues agreed that lunch is the most important part of maintaining a balanced diet at work. Refuelling in a healthy way can give you energy for the rest of the workday and help you focus on important tasks. Here at CLIQ, our colleagues have a wide variety of options to make sure they have a healthy lunch.

Many of our colleagues choose to get their lunch from one of the many takeaway restaurants offering healthy meals in the vicinity of the office. There is also the option of getting lunch at a market near the office, where you can find a wide variety of cuisines from all around the world. Getting lunch from a restaurant or the market is also a good way of integrating some physical activity into your day by walking or biking to the food stall or restaurant of your choice.

Of course, there are also many ways to have a healthy lunch for those choosing to stay at the office. Bringing your lunch from home is a great option to have a balanced meal during your break. While some of our colleagues prepare a meal specifically for their office lunch, others like to take the leftovers from last night’s dinner to work. Here at CLIQ, we have kitchenettes on every floor, equipped with cutlery, dishes, fridges and microwave ovens to enable our employees to preserve and prepare their meals at the office. For those that don’t want to leave the office or bring their own lunch, we provide daily lunch that includes sandwiches, fruit, and a salad bar for a small monthly fee. We always make sure that the lunch provided by CLIQ is well-balanced and able to accommodate dietary restrictions.

While a healthy lunch is arguably the most important aspect of maintaining healthy diet practices at work, snacks can be an important aspect of office culture and should not be disregarded when thinking about eating healthy at work. Many of our colleagues recommended taking a few snacks to work, to stay energised and focused during the day. Some great options for this are for example energy bars or nuts. CLIQ also provides a variety of fresh fruits on each floor for our employees every day.

Finally, most of our co-workers agreed that while it is important and highly beneficial to maintain healthy eating habits at work, it is even more important to cut yourself some slack from time to time. Having a piece of cake for your colleague’s birthday, a successful project, or just because it is there: Treating yourself every once in a while, will not ruin your health, and neither will some candy or chocolate every now and then!

Hopefully, we were able to give you some ideas on how to improve your eating habits at work and make the most of your workday. If you would like to learn about how Cliqers stay active at work, check out part 1 of this series.

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